
04/29/2013 14:32

Proper maintenance, combined with appealing furnishings and decorations can produce a good house. Your furnishings and decorations should be coordinated in a manner that they fit the overall design of your house. Here are some guidelines that can help you:
1. Unity
This describes the blending of the elements and principles of design. It exudes the feeling that every item in the room belongs together and nothing is out of place. You can achieve these through the colors, sizes, dimensions, forms, quality, materials, or arrangement of the furnishings.

An area with unity can make you feel calm, productive, and positive.
2. Balance
This describes the creation of a harmonious feeling through the arrangement of items in a room. To attain this, equally place large and small items in a space. Make sure the entire area is also pleasing and soothing to the eyes. There must be nothing irritable or awkward in the area.
3. Contrast
Even in home decorating, opposites do attract. For example, bright drapes can complement dark wall paintings and bed sheets. Rough chairs can look good in a room full of smooth textured furnishings.

Contrast creates curiosity and draws interest in a room. To create contrast, use one element that differs in color or shape among the items. Make sure certain elements, such as color, pattern, and size differ from each other.
4. Emphasis
Draw emphasis to the centrepiece of a space. A centrepiece is the item you want to direct the most attention to. This can highlight its charm or usefulness.

To attain emphasis, you can surround a big fountain in your front lawn with small flamingo toys for example. You can also surround a pricey wooden center table in your living-room with comfy cotton sofas, chairs, and pillows.
5. Proportion
This describes the relationship of objects to each other. To achieve this, think about the size of the room and the number of individuals that often uses it. For example, if you want huge comfy seats in a small room, minimize the number of other items in it. If you have a big room but only have one item in it, this particular item can make the room look awkward and useless. As such, make sure the room and the items in it are proportional.
6. Harmony
When a space has harmony, all the elements in it can relate to each other. For example, you should have simple, relaxing, and homely pieces if you want a Country chic-styled home.
7. Rhythm
This describes the balance of light and dark, big and small, or bright and pale. When a room has rhythm, the colors or patterns repeat in a manner that catches the eye and mind.

Having the right amount of unity, balance, contrast, emphasis, proportion, harmony, and rhythm can make you a happy homeowner. With that stated, research further online for more information on these design elements.

04/29/2013 08:24

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